June 14, 2008

When Love Slipped Away

Love is a very delicate thing and sometimes we let it slip away without being able to anticipate it and without understanding why it happened. We are creatures with a brain and a body and no matter how much our brains try to rationalize the world around us, our bodies live their own life. You can fall in love instantly in a person and you can grow love over time, and when it slips away you can feel the loss in your whole body with such force that you tremble. Still the need to be loved and recognized haunts us from the day that we are born, like we never want to let go of that feeling of rocking safely in the arms of our mothers. I have loved. I have lost love. I wish I will once again embrace love and never let it go, ever again. No matter how much it hurts, love is too sweet to give up.

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